Perth Film School

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A Blog Post

Merry Christmas and Happy 2021!

2020 has most definitely been a unique year, and for a lot of us, it has also been a very difficult one with many changes affecting our daily lives. This shouldn’t mean the new year coming up should be the same, whether more things happen or not, here at Perth Film School, we believe everyone should approach 2021 with loads of positivity, motivation, and love!


Don’t let one bad year ruin the next, make sure to make every moment worthwhile, and stay positive!

To everyone reading this, we wish you an amazing Christmas holiday to all your friends and family, and wish the best for the year coming up, Merry Christmas!


We made sure to make the most out of all our lessons, no matter what, we always worked through it and made it work 🙂









Here are some behind the scenes of our students this year!

Don’t be scared to put yourself out there and try new things out and meet new people in 2021! You are more than welcome to Join us and try out our programs here!